vrijdag 25 mei 2012

On my love for Martin Buber

Over my years in university I have grown very fond of philosophy in general, and of a few authors in particular. Some I have mentioned in these pages (Hannah Arendt, Michel Foucault and of course Martin Buber himself), some didn’t see their way into my writings this time.

There is however a particular reason why I will never have enough of Martin Buber, a reason that is related to my choice for education as the subject I have been reading, writing and thinking about for the past four years: 
I find his thoughts on education uncommon to the point of being revolutionary, disturbing to the point where they make me doubt all that I have assumed until now, and very inspirational. Needless to say they leave me always wanting more.

He has in fact achieved to make everything that educators have presupposed over the years tremble on their foundations, he has demanded that whoever reads him starts questioning what is to be carried on in every work of education.

Not only does he speak of education, Martin Buber speaks of life. he speaks of what it is that makes life worth living, what it is that constitutes a true, meaningful life-experience, what it is that changes you and the way you see the world forever. 
In this sense, he has helped me to put in perspective the encounters I have had, helped me to give sense to what I have known, to the point where what first brought me uncertainty and doubt, is now my reason to wake up every day.

The encounter with Martin Buber has changed me: I am now more than I was before, and more of what I should be. He has been walking with me on my path for a while, and assisted me to get closer to my goal every day. 
That goal being: I am me. 
Lady Bird

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